Necessity is the mother of invention, and our mothers were the greatest inventors of all time! They knew how to cook on a dime, and darn good, too! So with the economy crashing in on us and pushing us back to our roots: Homespun, homecooked and homemade is no longer considered what poor people do. It's
eco-chic, trendy, and green.
So why a new apron? Because they are practical...a great invention, and thanks to the creative genius of some savvy sellers on Etsy, an absolute must-have fashion accessory!

Colorful, comical, classy or upcycled, vintage, retro; there are countless styles to choose from on Etsy. Just type in a search for handmade and aprons, and you'll get over 26,000 results! And another 4500+ for vintage aprons...So I'm very pleased for one of the members of our Etsy team: Florida Etsy Street Team that Pamwares is celebrating 400 sales- Her aprons really stand out in the crowd!
To celebrate she is offering a giveaway on her blog:
Pamwares, where you'll find a link to her Etsy shop. So after you submit a comment entry for her funky Weird Scenes with Ikea Fabric Apron, you can run along to her shop and see all the other stylish choices she has. Great gift ideas for the holidays, or just pick a few favorites for yourself, since you'll have a hard time choosing just one!
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